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University Pedagogical Advisory has been conceptualized by researchers in the field of University Pedagogy who focus on studying this space. From these studies, conceptually, the University Pedagogical Advisory:


  • It is configured as a contribution to the reduction of the gap that is revealed between scientific teaching work and educational practice (Lucarelli, 2004);
  • It becomes, in itself, a situation of pedagogical production (Fernández, 2004);
  • It is the sector that takes as its object of study and work the issues involving teaching, learning and evaluation at the University (Lucarelli, 2007);
  • It is recognized for its performance in an environment where intervention practices are aimed at obtain changes that affect the educational institution as a whole and the class in particular (Lucarelli, 2008);
  • It is conceived as a device whose practices of intervention, animation and guidance will be intertwined with teaching pedagogical practices, not leaving them isolated (Lucarelli, 2016).


Regarding its list of responsibilities and actions, the University Pedagogical Advisory:

  •  It is understood as a political and institutional action, because, being linked to specific historical periods and pedagogical projects, it can represent an oscillation between the regulatory and emancipatory functions. In the first perspective, its function is to guarantee the achievement of objectives in a rationality of effectiveness and efficiency; in the second, it is proposed to support the movements of construction of the autonomy of the subjects involved with pedagogical processes (Cunha, 2006);
  • Its actions are guided by the specificity of didactic situations, in the diversities regarding institutions, professions, students and disciplinary contents, which require the university professor to organize methodological strategies and evaluation that are defined based on these peculiarities, seeking that, through the teaching process, a meaningful learning is provided (Cunha and Lucarelli, 2013);
  • This complex list includes the pedagogical training of teachers, actions to encourage the entry and retention of students, research into aulic situations, and also the assessment and accreditation of careers (Lucarelli and Cunha, 2015);
  • Action strategies are projects as a strategy that articulates the advisory action; public notices that stimulate training and innovation experiences; advisories for courses and areas in a clinical dimension; development networks and/or training trajectories (Cunha, 2015).



CUNHA, Maria Isabel da. Assessoramento Pedagógico. In: MOROSINI, Marilia Costa (Ed. Chefe). Enciclopédia de Pedagogia Universitária: Glossário. Brasília: INEP/MEC/RIES, 2006.

CUNHA, Maria Isabel da. Qualidade da graduação: o lugar do assessoramento pedagógico como propulsor da inovação e do desenvolvimento profissional docente. Educar em Revista, Curitiba, n. 57, jul./set. 2015.

CUNHA, Maria Isabel da; LUCARELLI, Elisa. Trabalho colaborativo entre comunidades acadêmicas no marco do Mercosul: a investigação sobre estratégias institucionais para o melhoramento da qualidade da educação superior, o caso das Assessorias Pedagógicas Universitárias. Integración y Conocimiento, Nucleo de estudios e investigaciones en educación superior del Mercosul, n. 2, 2013, p. 117-126.

FERNÁNDEZ, Lídia. Prólogo. In: LUCARELLI, Elisa. El asesor pedagógico en la universidad: de la teoría pedagógica a la práctica en la formación. Buenos Aires: UBA, 2004, p. 11-20.

LUCARELLI, Elisa. El asesor pedagógico en la universidad: de la teoría pedagógica a la práctica em la formación. Buenos Aires: UBA, 2004.

LUCARELLI, Elisa. Pedagogia universitária e inovação. In: CUNHA, Maria Isabel da (Org). Reflexões e práticas em pedagogia universitária. Campinas: Papirus, 2007, p. 75-92.

LUCARELLI, Elisa. Asesoria pedagógica y cambio en la Universidad, Profesorado: revista de curriculum y formación del profesorado. Granada, Espanha, vol. 12, n. 1, 2008, p. 1-14.

LUCARELLI Elisa. Una mirada regional sobre el asesoramiento pedagógico universitario y la formación del docente universitario: identidad y diversidad. InterCambios, vol. 3, n. 2, 2016, p. 13-25.

LUCARELLI, Elisa; CUNHA, Maria Isabel da. El assessor pedagógico: ¿actor relevante em la conformación del campo de la didáctica universitária? In: FARIAS, Isabel Maria Sabino de; LIMA, Maria Socorro Lucena; CAVALCANTE, Maria Marina Dias; SALES, José Albio Moreira de. Didática e Prática de Ensino na relação com a formação de professores. Fortaleza: EdUECE, 2015, p. 1-14.